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Thavy Time: January 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

DIY Quilled Monogram

Hi guys! I wanted to share with you a project that I worked on awhile back for my on-going wall gallery project. This project is absolutely one of my favorites. It’s easy, extremely affordable, but it does require lots of patience.

  • Print out an outline of a letter
  • Colored paper
  • Ruler
  • X-acto Knife
  • Glue
  • Frame

Step One:
Print out an outline for your monogram. You can choose any font you want. I chose a serif font called Lucida Fax. Print it out in a light gray. You want the text to have no fill and a small weight outline. The option can usually be found under the text effects icon.

Step Two:
Pick a color to go around your letter. Cut the paper into ¼” strips of paper. You will use your outline as a measurement to get an accurate outline of the letter. Use as many strips needed and make sure to not glue until you finish a whole strip of paper. I used the corners as anchor points, which helped make things a little easier.

Step Three:
Cut a bunch of ¼” wide strips of paper in different shades of color. The basic of quilling is rolling the paper. Bend the paper slightly and roll it with your fingers or roll it up around an object that is cylinder in shape such as a pencil or needle. Trim it off to the size you want.

Step Four:
Start designing! I did a dry fit practice run first. Once I got everything in place I then started gluing each piece down.

Step Five:
I used a mat board to frame my monogram and popped it into the frame without the glass and hanged it on my wall.

I got the mat board for $3 and the picture frame for $5 both from Hobby Lobby. So, my total cost for the this project was less than $10! Happy DIY! Always, Thavy

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